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How to transfer assets from other financial institutions to the Zinvest financial account?

Other brokerage companies transfer to your account:

Fill out our ACAT transfer form.

Includes a copy of your recent brokerage company statement. 

Before sending us the ACAT (Automatic Customer Account Transfer Service) form, please confirm the following:

Your external broker account is the same type as your Zinvest Financial account (i.e. personal or joint, cash or margin).

The names of the holders of the two accounts are the same. 

Please note: If you attempt to transfer funds from an external joint brokerage account to a Zinvest Financial personal account, or from an external personal brokerage company account to a Zinvest Financial joint account, please note that the transfer process may need to be held by one or several account holder.  It needs account holder to provide a certification letter.

Fax or mail the ACAT form and account statement to:

Velox Clearing LLC

Address: 2400 East Katella Ave., Suite 725, Anaheim, CA 92806

Customer enquiry email and phone number:


866-80-VELOX (866-808-3569)

Most account transfer processes via ACAT take 7 to 10 days.

The broker will balances the account balance after the transfer is completed, which takes about 10 to 30 business days.

For questions regarding balance processing, please contact the transfer company directly.

Transfers that cannot be completed by ACAT usually take 3 to 6 weeks to complete.  However, some transfers may take more time.

Some financial institutions charge fees for ACAT transfers.  These fees will be automatically deducted from your transfer amount.